Online uw afspraak reserveren


To provide you with better and faster care, it is possible to schedule some appointments online.

What appointments/care do we offer through the online patient portal?

Are you new and have you registered with us? Then, please make your appointment for an intake via the link below. We will take the time to get to know you and discuss your questions and preferences. If you haven't registered yet, please first sign up using the registration button below:

Are you an existing patient?

You can now schedule your semi-annual check-up appointment with your trusted dentist. You can also book your teeth cleaning directly with one of our preventive assistants or dental hygienists. If you have an issue with an orthodontic retainer, don't wait and schedule a consultation immediately to prevent any teeth shifting. We are here to help you promptly.
Please note: If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces, we recommend that you coordinate your appointments through your orthodontist.

If you are experiencing discomfort, pain, or need a consultation outside of your semi-annual check-up, we also offer the option to quickly schedule an appointment for you. Please be aware: this appointment is for consultation only. During this consultation, your issue will be assessed, and if necessary, additional treatment time will be scheduled.

For comprehensive treatment plans, appointments for fillings, and other dental procedures, you can only schedule them online after creating, discussing, and obtaining approval for a treatment plan with your provider in your patient portal.

We are members of The Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT).

Our health professionals are registered in the Dutch BIG register (Dutch Individual Health Care Professions Act).

Our dental hygienists are registered in the Quality Register Dental Hygienists (KRM).